For the past couple of weeks I have been sharing all the different elements of my two year old’s Mae from My Neighbor Totoro Costume/Cosplay. Today I will share with you all the different elements combined and the final result.

The first part was the pink dress. As I shared previously I made my daughter a dress from a pink Tshirt.

Next I made a yellow messenger bag.

I also made the sun hat.

For the white blouse, I lucked out and had a white polo shirt already. I also already had yellow shoes (said well crocs), but they worked.

The last element I decided to add into the costume was a stuffed Totoro that she could carry in her bag.

Her costume was a hit at her older sister’s school Halloween Festival with her sister dressed up as Jiji.

It was also a hit for Trick or Treating, especially since my husband dressed up as a giant Totoro to go with her.

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